Pieces are like your army in the game, so moving them along the right path as quickly as possible is important. You can only control the field, launch devastating attacks and ultimately win. In the early stages of 메이저놀이터, if you don’t deploy your pieces, your opponent will have more leeway to act and may be able to win the game by exchanging pieces with you.
Do not move the same piece more than once
Deploying all your pieces is also related to moving one piece a few times, especially in the early stages. In particular, do not move twice until the 9th move. In such cases, your opponent can surround your pieces before the game begins. In this way, the hidden method is to create weak points around the opponent’s king and protect your king at all costs. If your king is in danger, “castle” it away from the center of the board.
Be patient to carry the queen.
One thing beginners tend to do is move the queen early and threaten f7 and f2. But these threats are pointless, and the player sacrifices some tempo while returning the queen to a safe position. This rule only sometimes applies and can be ignored if your opponent is making a terrible mistake, and you can immediately punish him with your queen.
Create a chain of rooks and start placing them on empty pillars
Rook can only move vertically and horizontally, so it is the most difficult piece to strategize. Therefore, you cannot change the placement if there are no empty pillars. When playing, it is important to guess which row will be open and place the rook before your opponent.
Pawns can’t go back, so move wisely.
A pawn has the smallest movement of any chess piece. Remember that pawns can only move forward, not backward. Because of the 메이저놀이터, it is important to decide on the specific role and location.
Early pawn
All pieces at the start of the game can only move using pawns. They decide the framework of the organization and the content of the work. That’s why you need to have a plan and put it into action. Only knights are allowed to go ahead of them.
In a chess game, the pieces advance one square each round, except for the opening move. When you make your first move, you can move 2 squares if no other pieces are in the way. There is no turning back, so forward progress must be planned. If you have a piece with a low value, let’s exchange it as soon as possible.
In chess, there is a rule that if your pawn crosses your opponent’s final horizontal line, you can advance one more piece. Knowing where your parts go and how big they will be is a good idea. In this regard, there is a large difference between experts and amateurs. If a pawn occupies a square of the same color as the bishop, the bishop is considered a weak piece. That’s why it’s always a good idea to replace it with something of equal or greater value whenever possible.